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QCM anglais pour concours catégorie B et A

10 questions à choix multiples (QCM) en anglais pour vous aider à vous préparer aux concours de catégorie B et A. Notez vos réponses et vérifiez-les à la fin du test.

Question n° 1 : Which of the following words means "freedom" in English? a) Democracy b) Independence c) Equality

Question n° 2 : What is the plural form of "child"? a) Childs b) Children c) Childes

Question n° 3 : "She speaks French fluently" - What does "fluently" mean in this sentence? a) Slowly b) Easily and well c) Rarely

Question n° 4 : Choose the correct sentence: a) He have a car. b) He has a car. c) He having a car.

Question n° 5 : What is the past tense of the verb "to go"? a) Went b) Goed c) Gone

Question n° 6 : Which of the following countries does not have English as an official language? a) Australia b) Canada c) Spain

Question n° 7 : What is the opposite of "happy"? a) Sad b) Angry c) Excited

Question n° 8 : "I have lived here _____ 2005." - Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence. a) at b) since c) for

Question n° 9 : What does the acronym "UNESCO" stand for? a) United Nations Security Council b) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization c) United Nations Economic and Social Council

Question n° 10 : What is the superlative form of "good"? a) Better b) Best c) Well

Réponses :

  1. b) Independence
  2. b) Children
  3. b) Easily and well
  4. b) He has a car.
  5. a) Went
  6. c) Spain
  7. a) Sad
  8. c) for
  9. b) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  10. b) Best

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